Award Categories

  • NEW : Organisation – Best Business Striving to Make Media a Force for Good

    This category is open to organisations who have been set up to help the media industry deliver more sustainable and inclusive advertising solutions for brands. This could be an agency, media owner, tech company or tech solution.

    The jury will be looking at the impact the business has made in delivering better media solutions for advertisers which take into account one, or more of the following: sustainability, social impact and inclusivity and ultimately help showcase how the industry can be a force for good.

    Please note this category is for those businesses who have been created to deliver better media solutions for clients. Examples include Good-Loop, The GoodNet, Good Agency, Backlight and Brand Advance.

  • Organisation – Best Internal Cause/Purpose Policy

    This category rewards the best cause/purposeful marketing policies implemented by companies.

    Here judges will be looking for policies that have helped educate staff on how to make the world a better place, dismantled harmful stereotypes related to sexual orientation, gender, race, ethnicity, age, religion, and ability, and have tackled issues facing marginalised and vulnerable communities across the world.

    Equally the category is open to policies set to ensure they are contributing to the planet’s health. This could include, but is not limited to a carbon emission initiative, a strategy to reduce waste reaching oceans and rivers, a project in place to help preserve the world’s natural resources, or an initiative to help
    protect wildlife.

    Winning entries should demonstrate and provide qualitive data around the impact of these policies with specific attention paid to the difference they have made to the business, people within the organisation and a change in mindset and/or the planet.

  • NEW: People – Best Campaign for a Black Owned Business

    This category will be looking to identify the best media campaigns, which have been curated to raise awareness, or drive sales of products or services produced by black owned businesses across the planet. Judges will be looking at how the client has used media, its channels and sectors to produce standout work that has resonated with the target audience. They will be focusing on the results and metrics used to measure the campaigns success and the impact it has had on black owned businesses.

    This Category has been delivered in Partnership with Backlight.

  • People – Long Term Project

    Here the jury will be looking for a media campaign with the specific aim of having a long-term impact - three or more years – of educating, raising awareness, significantly changing perceptions, behaviours, culture and helping people. The jury will be looking for impact results and those that are predicated over the campaign’s duration.

  • People – Best Reactive Response

    The jury will be looking for a campaign which has had a significant impact on educating and helping people in need because of a natural disaster, pandemic, economic crisis, war, regional, or national emergency and any other issue that requires immediate help. Evidence of the impact of the campaign is a prerequisite in the form of deliverable and awareness metrics

  • People – Best Use of a Small Budget

    The jury will be identifying the campaigns which have been curated on a small budget - under £15,000 – and have generated significant organic reach and impressive earned media, but most importantly have raised awareness, educated, and had a huge impact on helping people deal with a variety of issues.

  • NEW: People – Best Use of Accessibility in a Campaign

    This category is looking to reward inclusive campaigns, which have implemented accessibility within their strategies to ensure those with any form of impairment such as visual, auditory, cognitive and motor can still understand the client’s messaging. The successful campaign will have taken into account all of the above and delivered the client’s key objectives through more than one of the following methods: subtitles, signing, contrast, audio description, dialogue, readability, fonts, images and design.

    This Category has been delivered in Partnership with ISBA.

  • People – Best Use of Innovation

    The jury will be looking at how innovation has driven a cause campaign for people to deliver a significant change, impact, raise awareness and educate. Judges will be looking at the success of the tech that has been implemented and how it seamlessly boosted the success of the campaign in helping deliver results.

  • People – Changing Cultural Perceptions

    The jury will be identifying the best campaign, which has had a significant impact on changing cultural perceptions, social norms, and people behaviours for the better. This can include campaigns that have dismantled harmful stereotypes related to sexual orientation, gender, race, ethnicity, age, religion and ability, to campaigns which have tackled issues facing marginalised and vulnerable communities across the world.

  • People – Collaboration

    The jury will be looking for the cause campaign for people, which has been driven by a collaboration -two or more businesses- at its heart and has ultimately helped people overcome an issue, educated them, raised awareness and a significant changing impact.

  • People – Unsung Causes

    The jury will be looking for campaigns, which have a purpose at their heart to educate, raise awareness and help people who have issues around those causes, which are not as prominently supported by the media or other sectors of society.

  • Planet – Best Use of a Small Budget

    The jury will be identifying the campaigns which have been curated on a small budget - under £15,000 - and have generated significant organic reach and impressive earned media level, but most importantly have raised awareness, educated, and had an impact on helping save the present and the future of the planet.

  • Planet – Best Use of Innovation

    The jury will be looking at how innovation has driven a cause campaign to help save the planet by delivering a significant change impact, raising awareness, and educating. Judges will be looking at the success of the tech that has been implemented, or the introduction of a clever and creative pilot scheme to deliver results.

  • Planet – Carbon Reduction

    Judges will be seeking to identifying the campaigns which have encouraged businesses, organisations and people to help reduce their net carbon emissions. This could be achieved through a variety of ways including cycling, being actively involved in tree planting schemes, cutting back on business travel or changing working behaviours, for example. The jury will be looking for significant results in the fight against carbon emissions.

  • UPDATED: Planet – Cleaning Land and Water, or Protecting Wildlife

    Judges will be looking for campaigns which have a clear focus on making the world’s rivers and oceans or land cleaner and healthier to preserve their future and their eco-systems. The jurors will be looking for campaigns that have delivered real improvements and continue to help preserve the planet.

    Alternatively, they could be looking campaigns which have seamlessly incorporated an element within their strategies to help protect animals and boost biodiversity around the world. Judges will be looking for clear evidence of the impact these campaigns have had, which could feature anything from encouraging veganism, promoting more sustainable types of farming or stopping poaching and hunting of animals, for example.

    This can be locally, regionally, or globally focused.

  • Planet – Collaboration

    The jury will be looking for a cause campaign curated to help save some element of the planet which has been driven by a collaboration at its heart and has ultimately helped overcome an issue, educated, raised awareness, and had a significant changing impact on the planet.

    The collaboration could be two or more businesses central to the campaign’s ideation and implementation.

  • Planet – Long Term Project

    Here the jury will be looking for a media campaign with the specific aim of having a long-term impact - three or more years – of educating, raising awareness, significantly changing behaviours, environment and helping the planet and save it’s natural resources.

    The jury will be looking for impact results and those that are predicated over the campaign’s duration. This could be focused around, but not limited to, everything from cleaning up the oceans and preserving forests, to protecting wildlife and encouraging positive action to cut carbon emissions around the world.

  • Planet – Sustainability

    The jury will be looking for campaigns which have been curated to deliver a significant impact in changing consumer buying habits encouraging the purchase of goods with sustainable features or using less non-renewable energy in materials and supply chains in across all sectors, for example. This could include everything from packaging to clothing. Judges will be looking to see the how the campaign had an impact on driving sustainability locally, regionally or globally.

FOM Cause Campaign Awards Entry Kit
FOM Global Awards

Entry Kit

Download this year’s categories and entry template using the buttons below.


Awards Support

Our dedicated Awards Experts are on hand to offer guidance on any queries you may have.

Leah Mellard

Awards Manager

Lead Support for
FOM and M&G Global

Holly Lee
Holly Lee

Awards Executive

Jury Members

Nominate a Juror

If you, or someone else you know would make a good juror please complete this form.