Jeenal Patel

Senior Director, Strategy
UM Canada

    Jeenal currently works at UM Canada as Senior Director, Strategy. A creative thinker with an MBA in Marketing, Jeenal is driven by an insatiable interest in human behaviour and understanding its impact and opportunities for brands. Being a strategist for over a decade, across two continents and multiple product categories, Jeenal brings a wealth of experience and a unique, diverse perspective to the table that has helped brands build meaningful connections with consumers and achieve business objectives, on both agency and client side. Her work has been recognized with multiple industry accolades, locally and globally, including Effies, WARC, Festival of Media Awards, and more.

    Being a strong advocate of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI), Jeenal is passionate about helping brands build inclusive connections with diverse consumers, as well as fostering an inclusive culture within her workspace and community.

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